Wounded Knee – A History by Alvin Josephy. 1990. Link to the article.
Denig’s Demons: Marine News Reporters, Artists, Radio Personalities and Photographers in WWII. Leatherneck Magazine. September 2007. Link to the article.
General Robert Denig was the first Director of Marine Corps Division of Public Relations – 1941.
Magazine Title | Date | Issue # | Article Title | Page | Subject | |||||
Digest | 10/23/37 | Vol 1; No. 15 | Cardenas, Indian Idol | 18 | Mexican President Cardena’s relationship with native Indians | |||||
Ken | 5/5/38 | Vol 1; No. 3 | Bomb in a Pail of Water | 24 | Interview with Leon Trotsky | |||||
Blue Book | 6/1/51 | Vol 93; No 2 | Condors Don’t Pay Taxes | 52 | California condor | |||||
Montana (3) | 10/1/55 | Vol 5; No 4 | The Naming of the Nez Perce | 1 | History of the naming of the Nez Perce | |||||
American Heritage | 2/1/56 | Vol 7; No. 2 | First “Dude Ranch” Trip to the Untamed West | 8 | Sir William Stewart’s hunting party of 1843 | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/58 | Vol 4; No 4 | The Lolo Trail | 82 | Trader-explorer David Thompson and the history of Lolo Trail | |||||
American Heritage | 2/1/58 | Vol 9; No. 2 | The Last Stand of Chief Joseph | 36 | Nez Perce’s great 1,300 miles fighting retreat | |||||
American Heritage | 4/1/58 | Vol 6; No. 3 | Was America Discovered Before Columbus? | 16 | Portugese discovery of the New World by 1424 | |||||
American Heritage | 10/1/60 | Vol 11; No 6 | A Man to Match the Mountains | 60 | David Thompson, explorer and land geographer of the New World | |||||
American Heritage | 6/1/61 | Vol 12; No 4 | Revolt in the Pueblos | 65 | Pueblo uprising of 1680 | |||||
American Heritage | 8/1/61 | Vol 12; No 5 | “These lands are ours . . . “ | 14 | Tecumseh’s leadership greatness | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/62 | Vol 9; No 3 | The Funeral of Peter Dan Moses | 64 | The funeral of Peter Dan Moses marked the passing of another colorful, prominent NW Indian Leader | |||||
Idaho Yesterdays | 3/1/62 | Vol 6; No 1 | Origins of the Nez Perce People | 2 | Aboriginal wanders from Asia settled among Clearwater, Salmon, and Wallowa Country | |||||
Westerners | 1/1/63 | Vol 10; No 4 | Another Letter from Broken Hand | 75 | 1847 letter by Tom Fitzpatrick to Thomas H. Harvery, Supt. Of Indian Affairs, edited by A. Josephy | |||||
Westerners | 1/1/63 | Vol 10; No 2 | A Letter from Broken Hand | 25 | 1847 letter by Tom Fitzpatrick, early Indian agent appointed to the western plains, edited by A. Josephy | |||||
Westerners | 1/1/64 | Vol 11; No 3 | Tom Fitzpatrick, 1848 | 57 | 1848 letter by Tom Fitzpatrick, mountain man, emigrant guide, and Indian Agent, edited by A. Josephy | |||||
Westerners (2 | 1/1/65 | Vol 12; No 3 | New Light on the Early Northwest | 49 | La Gasse and Le Blanc, first white men known to have entered the upper Basin of the Columbia River | |||||
American Heritage | 10/1/65 | Vol 16; No 6 | A Most Satisfactory Council | 27 | Walla Walla Council of 1855 | |||||
American Heritage | 12/1/66 | Vol 18; No 1 | Ordeal in Hell’s Canyon | 72 | John Jacob Astor’s fur traders’ discover the chasm of Idaho’s Snake River | |||||
Westerners (2) | 1/1/67 | Vol 14; No 1 | Early Man in the Americas | 8 | Origin of early mankind in the Americas | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/67 | Vol 14; No 4 | Nez Perces and The Appaloosa Horse . . . .False History: | 73 | Nez Perce and the Appaloosa | |||||
Westerners (2) | 1/1/68 | Vol 15; No 1 | Reply to Dr. Haines | 15 | Nez Perce and the Appaloosa | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/68 | Vol 15; No 2 | Two Gamy Letters from Fort Yuma | 28 | Sylvester Mowry, Arizona pioneer | |||||
American Heritage | 12/1/68 | Vol 20; No 1 | Cornplanter, Can You Swim? | 4 | Kinzua Dam floods the Senecas’ ancestral lands | |||||
Great Plains Journal | 9/1/69 | Everybody’s Talking | 1 | Historians, challenges and role | ||||||
American Heritage | 2/1/70 | Vol 21; No 2 | The Boy Artist of Red River | 30 | Peter Rindisbacker, 19th Century artist, captured lives of Indians and white pioneers | |||||
American Heritage | 6/1/70 | Vol 21; No 4 | “Here in Nevada a Terrible Crime . . . “ | 93 | Nevada’s Pyramid Lake, victim of the plundering of natural resources | |||||
Atlantic | 6/1/70 | Vol 225; No 6 | Indians in History | 67 | White historians’ failure to know Indian history and nature | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/71 | Vol 18; No 2 | The Hudson’s Bay Company and the American Indians | 28 | History of Company’s relationship with & treatment of American Indians | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/71 | Vol 18; No 3 | The Hudson’s Bay Company and the American Indians – II | 59 | History of Company’s relationship with & treatment of American Indians | |||||
Westerners (3) | 1/1/71 | Vol 18; No 4 | The Hudson’s Bay Company and the American Indians – III | 78 | History of Company’s relationship with & treatment of American Indians | |||||
Audubon | 7/1/71 | Vol 73; No 4 | The Murder of the Southwest | 52 | Impact on Indian lands of Dept. of the Interior approved strip-mining for coal | |||||
Life | 7/2/71 | Vol 71; No. 1 | The Custer Myth | 49 | The battle of Little Bighorn | |||||
On the Sound (2) | 1/1/72 | Vol 2; No 1 | 120 Centuries of a Noble Heritage, Part 1 | 80 | History of American Indians along Long Island Sound | |||||
On the Sound (2) | 2/1/72 | Vol 2; No 2 | Indians of the Sound, Part 2 | 72 | History of American Indians of Long Island Sound from the 17th Century on | |||||
American West (2) | 9/1/72 | Vol 9; No 5 | By Fayre and Gentle Means | 4 | The Hudson’s Bay Company and the American Indian | |||||
American Heritage | 2/1/73 | Vol 24; No 2 | The Hopi Way | 49 | Traditionalists’ prescription for a happier, more meaningful life & the threat of strip mining on their communities | |||||
New York Times | 3/19/73 | What the Indians Want | 18 | Indian-US government relations & recent protests | ||||||
Audubon | 7/1/73 | Vol 75; No 4 | Agony of the Nothern Plains | 68 | Impact on northern plains of the 1971 “North Central Power Study” | |||||
Critic | 9/1/73 | Vol 32; No 1 | Freedom for the American Indian | 18 | Summary of Indian-White relations since earliest contact | Letter by Tom Fitzpatrick, one of firstIndian agents appointed to the western plains | ||||
American Heritage (2) | 2/1/74 | Vol 25; No 2 | The Splendid Indians of Edward S. Curtis | 40 | Curtis’s corpus, The North American Indian | |||||
Audubon | 3/1/75 | Vol 77; No 2 | Dr. Strangelove builds a canal | 76 | Impact of Bureau of Reclamation’s irrigation plans on North Dakota farmers | |||||
Audubon | 3/1/76 | Vol 78; No 2 | Kaiparowits: the ultimate obscenity | 64 | Impact of powerplants in the four-state corner of the West. | |||||
Smithsonian (2) | 7/1/76 | Vol 7; No 4 | Book Recommendations | 127 | A. Josephy recommends The Closing Circle by Barry Commoner | |||||
Natural History (2) | 2/1/77 | Vol 86; No 2 | A Sojourn Among the Indians | 94 | Reviw of People of the First Man, edited by Davis Thomas and Karin Ronnefeldt | |||||
Proceedings | 9/1/78 | Keynote Address | 2 | A. Josephy’s speech to conference of environmentalists and sheep producers | ||||||
American Heritage (2) | 6/1/81 | Vol 32; No 4 | Iwo Jima | 92 | Marine combat correspondent recalls the deadliest battle of the Pacific war | |||||
Col. Heinl 1982 Mem. Award | 1/1/82 | Iwo Jima | 37 | Marine combat correspondent recalls deadliest battle of the Pacific war | ||||||
History News | 6/1/82 | Vol 37; No 6 | Awesome Space | 26 | Speculations on interpretations of the Old West | 1/1/1962 | Vol 9; No 3 | 64 | Funeral of Peter Dan Moses, April 26, 1962, marked the passing of a colorful, prominent NW Indian leader | |
American West (2) | 9/1/82 | Vol 19; No 5 | One Way to Spell Man | 64 | Review of Wallace Stegner’s One Way to Spell Man: Essays with a Western Bias | |||||
American West (3) | 12/1/82 | Vol 19; No 6 | Whose Old West Is Disappearing? | 32 | Celebration of cowboys, cow ponies, and cow country | |||||
American West (2) | 5/1/83 | Vol 20; No 3 | The Blood of Abel | 31 | 1863 murder of Lloyd Magruder and swift justice in frontier Idaho | |||||
American West (3) | 3/1/84 | Vol 21; No 2 | View from the West | 6 | Impact of media attitude to natural resource policies | |||||
Journal (2) | 3/1/85 | Vol 4; No 1 | The Blood of Abel | 4 | 1863 murder of Lloyd Magruder and swift justice in frontier Idaho | |||||
American West (3) | 7/1/85 | Vol 22; No 4 | Those Pants that Levi Gave Us | 30 | History of Levi Strauss and his world-famous pants | |||||
American West | 1/1/86 | Vol 23; No 1 | Andy Warhol Meets Sitting Bull | 42 | Warhol’s silk-screen prints, “Cowboys and Indians” | |||||
American West (4) | 11/1/86 | Vol 23; No 6 | Looking for Finegayan | 44 | A Marine returns to Guam | |||||
Oregon Humanities | 12/1/92 | In Search of the Old West | 2 | A. Josephy reflects on the transitioning Old West beginning with his 1934 cross-country bus ride | ||||||
Western Historical Quarterly | 3/1/95 | Vol 26; No 1 | I Have Seen the Elephant | 4 | Presidential address at Western History Association’s 34th annual conference | |||||
Journal of the West | 6/1/00 | Vol 39; No 3 | A Responsibility of Western Historians | 6 | Avoiding stereotypes to provide a true knowledge of transition from Old West to New West | |||||
Colliers Encyclopedia | 1/1/62 | American Indians | 645 | Overview of American Indians | ||||||
Naval History (3) | 10/1/00 | Vol 14; No 5 | To Oregon-By Way of Guam & Iwo Jima | 24 | Interview with Alvin Josephy |
Journal of the West | 6/1/00 | Vol 39; No 3 | A Responsibility of Western Historians | 6 | Avoiding stereotypes to provide a true knowledge of transition from Old West to New West |