Updates November 1, 2024

Two things today. First, we had a great presentation on sockeye salmon on Tuesday. Sarah Barnes, the new Nez Perce Fisheries biologist on their sockeye team, gave us the history and biology of Wallowa Lake sockeye. She was backed up by other staff from NP Fisheries who had information on past programs, even lamprey! Her talk is worth the listen:

Second item: Brian Oliver, who built the fine exhibit structure, Kolle Riggs, who made the exhibit more interesting with additional photos and design, and I took the “Nez Perce in Oregon” exhibit from the Wallowa History Center to Loso Hall on the Eastern Oregon University campus. It is in the lobby in front of the theater entrance–a fine place for it, i think. Pepper Huxoll, the new Native American, Indigenous, and Rural Programs Coordinator at the college, is responsible for getting the exhibit to Eastern. Interestingly enough, she quickly found her great grandfather in a photo of the 1890 Carlise boarding school band that is part of the exhibit. Pepper who is of Mandan-Hidatsa heritage, went school at Eastern when the late Jackie Grant had her position. I think Jackie would be proud.